Your strawberry sized baby is making you pee more than usual!

Overview of that week

If the fact that you are pregnant still hasn’t sunken in yet, your pregnancy symptoms will help make it more real than ever. Around this time, most women report feeling nauseous, bloated, and sore around the breasts. These symptoms will last for the next few weeks before you get your energy back. 

By the end of week 8, you will already have crossed month two of your pregnancy journey. In most cases, you will also be able to find out through an ultrasound if you are carrying twins. 

Baby development

At the end of the 8th week, your baby will measure about ¾ of an inch in length. Although you will not be able to feel it, your baby’s heartbeats are extremely fast during this week at about 150 to even 170 beats per minute. 

Your baby’s fingers and toes are still webbed but growing into small buds. Your baby embryo also starts to take a more humanoid form when the facial features such as the upper lips, nose, and ears start to form this week.

The growth-supporting placenta is still developing along with the amniotic sac and the amount of fluid inside of it. It is crucial to take care of the nutrients you consume at this point because now the embryo’s vital organs start developing and start to have blood circulation. 

Body changes in mother

During pregnancy, your body is getting used to growing a baby. Therefore, in the initial weeks, your symptoms will feel stronger and it will take you some time to get used to it. 


There is an increased blood flow to your breast during pregnancy to support breastfeeding once the baby is delivered. As a result, you might have growing breasts that are tender and swollen.

Weight Changes:

You may lose weight if you suffer from extreme nausea; however, this should go back to normal in a couple of weeks. This might also drain a lot of energy from you causing you to feel tired and exhausted.

Increased urge to pee:

At this stage, your body is changing at a rapid pace to make room for your baby. Due to the growing uterine pressure, you will notice that there is an increase in the number of your visits to the toilet.

Vaginal Discharge:

There might be an increase in vaginal discharge caused by the increase in estrogen in your body. It is normal to notice an increase in thin milky-colored discharge during pregnancy. However, if your discharge is yellowish or mixed with blood or you experience any kind of pain make sure to inform your doctor as soon as possible. 

What should you do and don’t

  • Include nutritious food in your diet and add supplements and vitamins as recommended.
  • Use comfortable clothing to avoid soreness around the breasts and support. 
  • Continue to work out and keep yourself active but avoid a strenuous workout.
  • Cut down on the amount of caffeine. This will reduce your visits to the toilet and help you get a night of better sleep.
  • Stay away from narcotics, alcohol, and smoke.
  • Increase your water intake to avoid dehydration.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Eat small meals and avoid food that makes you nauseous.
  • What Happens Next Week

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